How to launch a pool on Potentia Protocol?
Select the token pool you want to launch on Potentia
Pay a one-time fee to create a derivatives market
Launch your pool on Potentia Protocol in under a minute
How to trade on Genie DEX?
Connect your wallet to Genie DEX
Select the power perpetual you want to trade (BTC², USDT³ or RATP²)
Pay a trading fee each time you open a position on Genie DEX
Sign the transaction in your wallet
What is the difference between Potentia Protocol and Genie DEX?
Potentia Protocol is a trading infrastructure facilitating the creation of power derivatives
Genie DEX is a derivative DEX developed on top of Potentia Protocol. Retail users can easily manage, create, and trade power derivatives on Genie DEX. All Pools under Genie DEX are created through Potentia Protoco
How are my positions protected from market volatility?
Power perps maintain value even during periods of extreme market volatility through smoothed oracle price feeds and a unique liquidity provisioning mechanism. (More information TBA in the implementation and research docs)
How can my positions get liquidated?
Even if your position reaches 0 in value, it won’t get liquidated. The value of a power perpetual cannot be negative, and you’re safe from liquidations with Genie DEX.
What is the novel bonding curve mechanism?
The novel bonding curve mechanism in power perpetuals introduces a non-linear exposure model, contrasting with traditional derivatives that typically offer linear exposure.
This non-linear approach mitigates liquidation risk while significantly enhancing the potential for amplified returns. More information will be provided in the implementation and research paper to be published.
How to become a Liquidity Provider (LP)?
Connect your wallet
Select the pool you want to provide liquidity for or create a new pool
Provide liquidity in a single token (instead of token pairs)
Sign the transaction in your wallet
Pay SQL to use the single-asset LP bot or multi-asset LP bot (optional)
How to qualify for the SQL airdrop?
TBA - Users can participate and contribute to the SquaredLabs community for a chance at qualifying for the SQL airdrop. Stay tuned for the announcement of Phase 1 of Quests.
Wen SQL airdrop?
TBA - Stay tuned for the SQL airdrop announcement by joining our Discord.
What are the risks of trading power perpetuals on Genie DEX?
Smart contract vulnerabilities, underlying token asset risks, market-wide systemic risks, and personal risks from scams and phishing are risks traders are exposed to in DeFi. SquaredLabs, Potentia Protocol, and Genie DEX are not liable for these aforementioned risks. Always DYOR.
Last updated